Research Development Services

Whether developing a proposal that involves multiple collaborators or pursuing a grant as an individual investigator, proposal consultants can assist you! Developing a successful proposal can take up to six months and proper planning is essential. Before you begin, investigate our research development resources or contact us at any step in the process to discuss how we can best support you and make the whole process of developing your research and preparing a proposal for submission go smoothly.

Services Provided

  • Careful reading and re-reading of the request for proposals
    We will make sure your proposal is responsive and conforms to all specific instructions and requirements.
  • Proposal editing and review
    We will help compile and integrate collaborator input, strengthen narrative organization and project presentation, and ensure all proposal guidelines are followed. We will provide a non-scientific review of your proposal and can also facilitate subject area reviews from experts internal and external to WSU.
  • Developing templates and models
    We can assist in the preparation of proposal pieces by providing templates that will enhance the cohesiveness and appearance of the final product.
  • Communication and meeting coordination
    We can serve as point of contact or liaison regarding questions of proposal logistics, and for collection of documents from collaborating partners, both internal and external. We can help keep proposal development on track by setting up video- and/or in-person meetings.
  • Regular check-ins
    Keeping momentum on a proposal can sometimes be a challenge. We provide check-ins to hear how things are going, ensure coordination of effort, and help to develop to-do lists.
  • Timeline assistance
    We will help you stay organized and help ensure all proposal components, including documents required from collaborating partners, are prepared, reviewed, and revised as needed, and ready for on-time submission.
  • Budget support
    We will help coordinate preparation of the WSU budget and budget justification, as well as subcontractor budgets and budget justifications.
  • Special proposal needs
    We will assist with other required and optional proposal components as needed.
  • Application package and submission process
    We will help to ensure the agency specific application process goes smoothly.