Internal Funding Opportunities

There are various funding opportunities throughout WSU. Most are held at a college or department level, with competitions managed internally. ORAP manages the application process and information pages several internal funding programs, the largest of which is the New Faculty Seed Grant, which is available to faculty systemwide. Other programs include the INSPIRE! Community Engaged Research Seed Grants, available to faculty at WSU Pullman, and the Natural Resource Conservation Endowment Fund Grants, available to graduate students systemwide. ORAP also manages a few smaller, more targeted programs. See the list below for all internal funding opportunities managed by ORAP.

Note that the availability of many of these programs is not guaranteed and they are run only as funding for them is available.

ProgramFunding AmountNotes
Arts & Humanities Process Grants$2,500
INSPIRE! Community Engaged Research Seed Grants$2,000–$20,000Pullman only
Natural Resource Conservation Endowment Fund Grants$1,200For graduate students
New Faculty Seed Grant$20,000
RA & $10k$10,000Includes 1 semester graduate assistantship
Tribal Engagement and Consultation Mini Grants$2,500
Funding amounts reflect the maximum value of a single award. Proposals for smaller amounts are generally accepted and encouraged and projects may be funded at less than the proposed amount.