Success Stories

Through assistance great and small with proposal development, project management, and more, the Office of Research Advancement and Partnership helps WSU researchers succeed. Below is a sampling of WSU faculty members whom ORAP has assisted discussing their experiences with the office in their own words.

Headshot of Prashanta Dutta.

Prashanta Dutta, Ph.D.
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

“WSU Office of Research Advancement and Partnership (ORAP) was instrumental in helping us develop a complex multidisciplinary proposal for the extremely competitive NSF-NRT program involving four WSU colleges and five campuses.”

Headshot of Erica Austin.

Erica Austin, Ph.D.
Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

“I teach strategic health campaigns—how to communicate in brain-friendly ways with specific audiences—and ORAP’s coaching still immensely sharpened our proposal. Just as important, ORAP’s knowledge of always-changing rules and forms, plus their help to manage large teams, kept us on task and on deadline. I absolutely could not have done it without them. I am exceedingly grateful and more successful as a result of their support!”

Headshot of Andrei Smertenko.

Andrei Smertenko, Ph.D.
Institute of Biological Chemistry

“ORAP cares about the success of faculty and their research programs across WSU with great enthusiasm and passion. Since joining Pullman campus ten years ago, my professional development benefited enormously from grant writing and leadership training opportunities organized by ORAP. Collaborating with the ORAP team on large proposals is always an enjoyable experience to look forward to.”

Headshot of Shun Chen.

Shun Chen, Ph.D.
Biological Systems Engineering

“The functions and support provided by ORAP have served as a key catalyst, making my research pursuits progressively more rewarding. Their extensive assistance plays a crucial role not only in boosting our competitiveness but also in nurturing a strong sense of camaraderie. As a result, I consistently view the staff as an integral part of my extended team, reciprocating their commitment with deep-seated gratitude and trust.”

Headshot of Zoe Higheagle-Strong.

Zoe Higheagle-Strong, Ph.D.
College of Education

“Qe’ciyéw’yew’ (Thank you) to the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships (ORAP) for considering the Office of Tribal Relations, Native American Programs and the Center for Native American Research and Collaboration in programming and priorities. Recently, we hosted the first annual Indigenous Research Conference that was highly successful with the help of ORAP.”

Kevin Murphy kneeling in a field of grain.

Kevin Murphy, Ph.D.
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

“ORAP has had a profound positive impact on my research and the transdisciplinary research between CAHNRS and ESFCOM that focuses on improving the nutritional value of our crop varieties and foods and translating this into improving individual and population health. The strategic reallocation initiative and assistance with proposal development have led to successful grants that focus on a Soil to Society approach to improving human health.”

Headshot of JS McEwan.

JS McEwan, Ph.D.
Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering

“I am very thankful to the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships who provided crucial timely support on proposal drafts. I look forward to continuing to work with them in the future!”

Headshot of Felix Lankester.

Felix Lankester, Ph.D.
College of Veterinary Medicine

“ORAP have been helping me administrate my research programs for over ten years – couldn’t have done it without them. They have been efficient, helpful and have made it a pleasure to conduct research through WSU.”

Has your work been positively impacted by ORAP and the assistance it provided? Tell us your story!