Finding Internal and External Funding

The Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships can assist you with finding funding for your research or creative activities. Our team of faculty development specialists are available to meet with you to support you as you look for funding for your work. If you’d like to set up an individualized meeting to discuss your research/creative activity and your funding needs please email us at:

Access Pivot

WSU subscribes to Pivot, which offers customizable searches of a comprehensive database of over 28,000 research opportunities from more than 15,000 funders representing well over $100 billion in funding value. With Pivot, you can explore new avenues for funding, view funding opportunities uniquely matched to your area of research, and collaborate with colleagues. Using your WSU ID, you can create and save personalized search criteria. With the option of receiving a weekly email, Pivot will alert you with any new opportunities catered to your research area. Access WSU’s subscription by activating your profile in the Pivot database.

ORAP has set up curated Pivot searches for large, collaborative funding opportunities from six of WSU’s major federal funders, which can be explored here, within our website.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships (ORAP) at

Quick Click Funding Options

After setting up a Pivot account, use these links to view pre-sorted funding opportunities.