Arts & Humanities Process Grant Proposal

As part of the Arts & Humanities Initiative, competitions will be held in Spring and Fall 2024 to support faculty’s needs for research, scholarship and creative activity.

Fall recipients will be expected to share a 3-minute flash talk of the work supported by the grant at an event on October 30th, 2024. The grants are intended to support smaller items needed such as: materials, printing, tools, software, permissions, services (transcription or translation), event support, marketing, participant stipends, etc. Travel is not an eligible expense. Grants are open to all faculty engaged in work based in the Arts & Humanities, regardless of track, campus, or unit. We especially encourage faculty of color, queer, trans, gender non-binary, working-class and other underrepresented individuals to apply.

To apply for Fall 2024, complete the proposal submission form below by September 20th.

  • The proposal must include:
    • A description of the project (500 words or fewer).
      • Background
      • Significance
      • Context (e.g., Is the proposed work part of a larger ongoing project; Is the proposed work multidisciplinary; etc.)
    • Budget: Individuals may apply for $500–$2,500, depending on need. Projects in their initial phases are highly encouraged but we welcome projects in any phase. We will award up to a total of $5,000 in Fall 2024.
    • Brief budget justification outlining on how the funds will be spent.

Fall Proposals Open: April 1, 2024 | Deadline: September 20, 2024

Award Terms and Conditions

  • The awards are for a 12-month period. If needed, a one-time only, no-cost time extension request is considered with a strong justification.
  • If the PI leaves the university prior to the completion of the grant, the remaining funds are to be returned to the Office of Research.
  • Any remaining funds after the grant’s termination date are to be returned to the Office of Research.

Proposal Submission Form

Step 1 of 3

Principal Investigator Information

PI Name(Required)
Enter your WSU email.
If dual appointed, enter both units here.
If dual appointed, enter both colleges here as applicable.


This internal grant is administered by the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships. Contact ORAP at with any questions about the program or proposal submission process.