Artificial Intelligence at WSU

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming every aspect of our lives. Academia, industry and government are more than ever before putting their efforts together to advance AI technology and innovation while ensuring its ethical application. WSU is a dedicated contributor to this endeavor, and is playing an active role in AI research, both in terms of applications of AI and fundamentals of AI, including machine learning and data science. WSU researchers are leading major efforts applying AI to a variety of domains, including healthcare, agriculture, cybersecurity, engineering, and the sciences.

The AI research enterprise at WSU is expanding every day. Visit the Office of Research’s Artificial Intelligence @ WSU page dedicated to this effort for resources related to AI policy and funding opportunities, core AI projects and labs at WSU, and a growing list of WSU faculty working on questions related to artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Advancing AI Research Working Group

The Office of Research has convened a working group led by Dr. Assefaw Gebremedhin (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) to help chart a path for the future of AI research at WSU. Members of the working group are:

  • Ofer Amram, associate professor in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
  • Ganapati Bhat, Raymond and Beverly Lorenz Distinguished Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Nairanjana “Jan” Dasgupta, Regents Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and director of Data Analytics
  • Anamika Dubey, Huie-Rogers Endowed Chair Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the co-director of the WSU-PNNL Advanced Grid Institute
  • Roschelle “Shelly” Fritz, associate professor of nursing
  • Richard Johnson, associate professor in the Department of Management, Information Systems and Entrepreneurship
  • Lav Khot, associate professor in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering
  • Eric Lofgren, associate professor in the Paul G. Allen School for Global Health
  • Anna Zamora-Kapoor, assistant professor in the Department of Sociology