New Faculty Seed Grant Application

You will need the following information to complete the New Faculty Seed Grant Application:

  • 12-Line Publication Abstract
    • Be clear and short, use plain language understandable to a scientist/scholar/artist outside your field, explaining what you want to do and how you will do it. This is a camera ready copy for publishing the award announcement to the general public
  • Proposal Narrative (no more than five single-spaced pages)
    • Background
    • Objectives and Assessment
    • Facilities and Resources
    • Timeline
    • Future Funding Strategy
  • References Cited
  • Current, Pending, and Past Support
  • CV or Biographical Sketch
  • Signed Letters of Collaboration from Co-PIs and/or Collaborators
    • Template available upon request
  • Budget and Budget Justifications

2024 New Faculty Seed Grant Application