Emerging Research Opportunities in Cannabis (EROC) Seed Grants

The Center for Cannabis Policy, Research, and Outreach (CCPRO) is issuing a call for research proposals related to topics of Emerging Research Opportunities in Cannabis (EROC). This is a request for research proposals focusing on a wide range of topics related to cannabis. Review the complete RFP for more details on program goals, the types of projects that are funded under the program, and other details including proposal evaluation criteria.

The EROC internal seed grant program is focused on increasing the capacity and ability of WSU researchers to be successful in obtaining competitive funds from federal agencies and industry that will address emerging issues facing Washington’s cannabis industry and the state’s citizens and communities as a result of cannabis being legal within the state. It is intended to provide seed money to generate preliminary data that will ultimately be used to leverage new support from competitive funding programs and/or from corporations that will bring the best science to bear on Washington’s problems. Thus, proposals that bring together a novel research team or work toward establishing a proof of concept are encouraged. It is also intended to provide funding for new research directions to fill fundamental knowledge gaps and enhance our capacity to address significant issues connected to cannabis in Washington State. The EROC program is not designed for supplementing currently funded projects or as a substitute for other funding (or to provide gap funding). A proposal should not overlap with currently funded grants. Instead, proposals focusing on emerging research areas of relevance to Washington State are highly encouraged.

Priority will be given to proposals that clearly articulate an alignment with the CCPRO strategic research goals. These goals seek to: (1) catalyze transformative discoveries to address health, societal and industry challenges in alignment with WSU cannabis research aspirations [be strategic], (2) encourage collaborations [be collaborative], and (3) advance CCPRO’s reach both nationally and internationally in emerging areas of achievement [be visible]. CCPRO strives to support the highest quality training opportunities within the research programs that it supports, and the use of these funds to support graduate and undergraduate students is encouraged, but not required.


Sept. 13, 2024Request for Proposals issued
Oct. 4, 2024Q&A Session at the WSU Cannabis Symposium
Oct. 18, 2024Q&A Session over zoom, 12 PM–1 PM, send request for Zoom link to taklein@wsu.edu
Oct. 30, 2024Deadline for submission of annual and final project reports for current and previous DMAc and EROC grants
Nov. 15, 2024New proposals due to CCPRO
Jan. 15, 2025Anticipated announcement of awards


The lead PI must be a faculty member within a WSU college. Research professor track faculty members are eligible to be lead PIs but associates in research, post‐doctoral associates, adjunct faculty, and courtesy faculty members are not. Each faculty member may only submit a single proposal as the lead PI. However, they are welcome to participate on additional proposals in other roles (e.g., co‐PI, collaborator, etc.).

Award Duration

The maximum project duration is 2 years, starting July 1, 2025. Proposals can, however, be written for 1-year if appropriate for the scope of work. For 2-year grants, the first-year budget may run through June 30, 2026.

Award Amount and Allowed Expenses

Awards are limited to $40,000. The budget can include equipment that stays at WSU, supplies, pre-paid services, conference travel, consultation fees, and non-PI salary support.

Awards will be made for a maximum of 24 months. The budget may be composed of two parts. Budget Part A must be expended between the award date and June 30, 2026. Budget Part B must be expended between July 1, 2026, and June 30, 2027. Expenditure dates are non-negotiable, and carryovers are not allowed for this funding source. There will be special expenditure and reporting requirements.

Efficiency in using resources will be an important element of the review—the minimum amount essential to accomplish the objectives of the project should be requested. Partial funding may occur, depending on review and funds available. Matching funds are not required. PIs who have had previous DMAc or EROC funding must include a brief summary of their accomplishments as a result of the previously funded project(s), in addition to having submitted progress/final reports on those projects.

Reporting Requirements

All recipients of EROC grant funds are expected to submit a final project report at the conclusion of the funded project (by September 30 of the project termination year, or 90 days after termination of the project if the project end date is not on June 30th). In addition, to receive the second year of funding for a two-year proposal, an annual progress report must be submitted by April 30, 2026. Reports should be submitted to taklein@wsu.edu.

Please review the full RFP for detailed reporting requirements.


All publications, posters, websites, field day presentations, etc. resulting from this internal competitive grant program must include the following information: “This activity was funded, in part, with an Emerging Research Opportunities in Cannabis Internal Seed Grant from the Washington State University Center for Cannabis Policy, Research and Outreach, Project EROC-xxxxxxxx.”

Proposal Guidelines

Proposals will be submitted using the web form below and will contain the following:

  1. Title, lead PI name, department, and contact information; cooperating PI(s) name(s), department(s) and contact information
  2. Requested duration
  3. Project Abstract, including brief description of Emerging Research Opportunity (s) being addressed and the research strategy that is proposed (250 words)
  4. Amount requested for the first year and estimate of the funding to be requested in the second year, if applicable.
  5. Proposal Narrative not to exceed 2,500 words, addressing each of the evaluation criteria, and including the following:
    • Rationale & Significance of the problem from the perspective of Washington stakeholders. It should be made clear how the research conducted in this project will close existing gaps in our ability to conduct research that addresses an Emerging Research Opportunity for Washington’s stakeholders
    • Description of ability of work/findings to apply across communities and/or industries
    • Objectives
    • Research Methodology. Intended Outputs must be clearly stated as well as Outreach/Extension/Stakeholder involvement activities
    • A description of how these results will position the group to successfully obtain competitive extramural funding, including information about the intended source of those funds (agency, program, deadlines, etc.)
    • Description of the Team, along with individual roles and responsibilities
    • If applicable, graduate, undergraduate and high school student participation in the project, including identification of the degree program in which the student(s) are or will enroll.
    • Timeline/Gantt chart (may be attached as a figure, if needed)
  6. Reference citations from the Proposal Narrative
  7. If applicable, an Annual Progress Report (for Year-2 applicants – up to 4 pages) and Summary of Results from previous DMAc- or EROC-funded project(s) (1 page)
  8. List of proposals submitted to external funding sources as a result of current/prior DMAc or EROC funding
  9. Up to a two‐page CV for each PI or co‐ PI (attachment)
  10. Detailed budget in WSU Budget Workbook (Excel) format and budget justification not exceeding 500 words, including a description of any matching or leveraged dollars (if applicable, although not required). Do not include any F&A. All salaries and wages must be included but not benefits. Do not include graduate student tuition. Graduate Students should be paid at the Graduate Research Assistantship levels. Salary and benefits for permanent faculty and staff cannot be paid from the requested funds. Resource use efficiency should be clear in the Research Methodology and Approach
  11. Current & Pending Support (attachment)
  12. Discussion of overlap of the proposal with currently funded research (250 words)
  13. WSU Research Assurances information

Evaluation Criteria

The following criteria will be used by reviewers when assessing proposals. A detailed discussion of each criterion is available in the full RFP.

  • Have the researchers (PI or any Co-PI included in the proposal) submitted final reports for any previous DMAc or EROC grants that have expired or have they submitted annual reports for any currently active DMAc or EROC grants and have those reports been approved by CCPRO? (yes/no)
  • Ability of the project to define and address an emerging research opportunity in cannabis (25 points).
  • Ability of Project to catalyze future extramural support (25 points).
  • Appropriate research methodologies and approaches (20 points).
  • Interdisciplinary, team‐based approach to address the issue(s) (10 points).
  • Faculty capacity to successfully complete the project (10 points).
  • Extension/Outreach/Stakeholder Involvement plan (10 points).
  • Separation from currently funded projects.


Submit the proposal using the form below by 5 p.m., November 15, 2024.

Proposal Submission Form


If you have questions about this program, please contact the CCPRO by email at taklein@wsu.edu or gangd@wsu.edu.