Supplemental Research Funds

There are frequently needs for research and creative work that are difficult to fund because they fall outside of projects that are supported by external funders, or because they are ancillary to core research and creative work. The Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships may provide partial support for costs related to research and creative activity that fall outside of regular funding streams. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Events advancing or promoting a program related to research or creative activities;
  • Minor equipment or technology costs;
  • Open access or other publication fees.

This funding should be used in addition to other internal and external sources of funds (e.g., your unit, college, and/or professional associations) in support of the particular stated need(s). These funds are not intended to support core research costs. Travel is not an eligible use for these funds.

Requests for funding are accepted year-round and decisions will be made on a quarterly basis. The application deadlines are listed below. If the need for funds is urgent, you may request that your application be considered outside of the normal cycle at the bottom of the application form below.


WSU faculty members in any track systemwide are eligible to request Supplemental Research Funds.

Guidelines and Restrictions

  • Travel is not an eligible cost under this program.
  • Eligible applicants may submit one request per funding round.
  • Only clearly defined, concrete needs with specific costs will be considered for funding.
    • For example, costs related to publication will be considered only if the applicant has a manuscript ready for publication and can enumerate specific costs related to specific journals that they have or intend to submit to.


First QuarterApril 30
Second QuarterJuly 31
Third QuarterOctober 31
Fourth QuarterJanuary 31

Applications are due at midnight. Late applications will be considered at the end of the following quarter. See the instructions below for urgent or time sensitive requests.

Application Instructions

Read through the instructions below completely before filling out the application form at the bottom of this page.

Amount Requested

Supplemental Research Funds are limited and contributions toward a given need will generally not exceed $5,000. Applicants may be funded at a lower amount than requested. It is anticipated that most awards will be between $500 and $1500.

Purpose and Justification

Briefly describe the purpose of the funding request and describe how the funds will advance both your or your team’s research program and research initiatives at WSU.

Budget Justification and Other Sources of Support

Supplemental Research Funds are not intended to be the sole source of support for a research need. Indicate the total cost of the project and identify other sources of internal or external support and the amounts that you have secured or are seeking to meet this need. This should be a bulleted list of sources and amounts with a brief narrative.


I intend to host a Conference bringing together researchers in Field X at a total cost of $10,000. We have received funding commitments from the following:

  • College: $2,500
  • Department: $1,500

We are working with Industry Sponsor Y and have a tentative agreement that they will provide $5,000. We are seeking $1,000 of supplemental funding to close the gap to help us meet our total needs.

The funds are required to cover costs including:

  • Space rental: $4,000
  • Keynote speaker travel and honorarium: $2,000
  • Refreshments: $2,000
  • Materials and other costs: $2,000

Urgent Requests

As noted above, you may request that your application be considered out-of-cycle if it is urgent or time-sensitive. These requests must have a clear justification with a contextualization of the request explaining why it needs to be considered before the regular quarterly deadline.

Application Form


For questions regarding the Supplemental Research Funds program, please contact the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships at