INSPIRE! A Community Engaged Research Program

A thriving research ecosystem includes a core commitment to, and support for, robust community engaged research and creative practice. Community engaged research is set apart by its methodologies and practices that emphasize working with communities not working on communities. Working with communities means that all facets of research and creative practice are driven by community needs, goals, and values. This is different from consultation and/or input from communities. Community engaged research is driven by communities including: the conception of research questions, the design of methodologies, determining the range and pace of outputs, defining measures for and evaluations of impacts, and determining authorship, attributions, and access to data.

The INSPIRE! A Community Engaged Research Program aims to support all facets of community engaged research and creative practice through programming that provides training, education, and funding opportunities for faculty.

Learning Opportunities

The INSPIRE! Program is committed to supporting faculty currently engaged in community engaged research while giving faculty the knowledge and tools to begin new successful community engaged work. In addition to the resources below, ORAP has developed a set of guidelines and best practices for community engaged research and creative practice.


Workshops are offered at least once per year to support faculty pursuing community engaged research. These workshops will be beneficial to faculty with all levels of experience but will be particularly geared toward those just beginning or seeking to begin a community engaged research program.

Information Sessions

Information sessions on a variety of topics relevant to community engaged research will be scheduled throughout the academic year. Past topics have included the Community Engaged Research Seed Grant Program, engagement with Tribal communities, and community engaged research broadly. Keep an eye out for announcements on future sessions which will include discipline-specific conversations around community engagement and more!

Funding Opportunities

The INSPIRE! Community Engaged Research Seed Grants support the development of and capacity for community engaged research. The Program’s multiple tiers of funding are intended to support diverse types and stages of community engaged research. INSPIRE! Community Engaged Research Seed Grants are funded by the WSU Pullman Chancellor’s office and only Pullman faculty are eligible to apply.

A list of previous awardees under this program is available here.